
Musings, Insights and Occasional Rants on Planets, Signs, Transits and the Meaning of Life

Lizanne Hanks

If you have experienced upheaval in recent years, Jupiter's arrival in earthy Taurus could herald greater stability and some sweet relief.

Lizanne Hanks

For the past six years, Saturn has been free to pursue his own stern agenda without constraint. Now Saturn will have to answer to Jupiter

Lizanne Hanks

The Gods of ancient Greece didn’t bother too much about common morality. But two things really set them off: hubris and a lack of h ...

Lizanne Hanks

Once again, the sign of the Water Bearer is being lit up with a Full Moon at 22 degrees of Aquarius, the second Full Moon in Aquarius for ...

Lizanne Hanks

Surrendering to the Saturnian principle in our lives brings unforeseen blessings over time.

Lizanne Hanks

“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.”

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