Solar Eclipse in Gemini

“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.”

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.

This axiom, attributed to the once child slave and stoic philosopher Epictetus, is an apt motto for tomorrow’s New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini. The sign of the twins is associated with duality, learning, social intercourse, information, youth, gender fluidity and above all, communication. The ruler of Gemini is Mercury, winged messenger of the gods, at home in his own sign, empowered by his approaching conjunction with the Sun. It’s the moment of conception for that planet, akin to the New Moon phase that occurs with each lunar cycle. So a new beginning is promised by this eclipse but not yet. Eclipses are always stormy; they stir up powerful emotions and herald change. We may be eager to embark on a new journey; but with Mercury still retrograde and squaring Neptune, the course is tricky, like trying to navigate through a thick fog. In the weeks and months to follow, new themes will emerge in the Mercury ruled areas of life. The fog will lift and our paths will clear. But for now, our focus is the most overlooked and undervalued of all Mercurial communication skills: deep listening.

Peace my friends,


Categories: : Air Signs, Aquarius, Astrology, Best Astrologer, Birth Chart Readings, Cancer, Capricorn, Change, Divination, Gemini, Greek Gods, Greek Mythology, Leo, Libra, Mythology, Nova Scotia Astrologer, Pisces, Planets, Scorpio, Spirituality, Transformation, Zodiac Signs, Eclipse, Solar Eclipse, Mercury, Hermes, Pollinators, Science and Technology, Trickster, Beginnings and Endings

Woman standing under orange sky with huge eclipse behind her