Full Moon in Aquarius

Once again, the sign of the Water Bearer is being lit up with a Full Moon at 22 degrees of Aquarius, the second Full Moon in Aquarius for 2021.

Did you get the message yet? The stars are speaking loudly this year and the message is Aquarius. Freedom, equality, truth - these are the ideals towards which we strive, collectively and individually. But the path isn’t easy; we are faced with complex problems, painful separations, and the weighty consequences of previous action. Once again, the sign of the Water Bearer is being lit up with a Full Moon at 22 degrees of Aquarius, the second Full Moon in Aquarius for 2021. I have written at length about the significations of Aquarius so I won’t repeat myself here (see my blog for a refresher). Instead I’d like to share my Full Moon horoscopes for each of the 12 Zodiac signs. Last month's Full Moon saw asquare to Uranus signalling a potential curveball, disruption or challenge. But this time, Jupiter is supporting the Moon in Aquarius, signalling that we are now on the right track and prior efforts are finally paying off. With two full moons in the same sign, we have a rare opportunity for a course correction or a second chance. As always, read your rising sign first (if you know it) then your Sun and Moon sign horoscopes.

If you are an Aquarius or Aquarius Rising, this Full Moon is occurring in your first house. Chances are you have been experiencing a profound personal transformation this year, be it physical, mental or spiritual. When Saturn and Jupiter conjoined in your first house December of 2021, it signalled the beginning of a 20 year cycle for your sign. You have been exploring who you want to be for the next chapter of life and there have undoubtedly been challenges, upheavals and roadblocks along the way. With Saturn here you may have experienced depression, illness or an existential crisis. But this Full Moon can signal a breakthrough. With Jupiter’s return to your sign you may be feeling stronger and more optimistic; you may be ready to debut a new look, a newattitude, or embark on a new adventure in life.

If you are Capricorn or Capricorn Rising rising, Aquarius rules your second house of personal resources including money, possessions, talents and even self image. You have probably been experiencing some challenges to your personal finances or self esteem for the last seven or eight months. But with the second Full Moon in Aquarius, changes that you have adopted may now bear fruit. With Jupiter’s return, you may see a turn-around with personal finances or even a windfall. On a more psychological level, this transit could be about how you value yourself and your talents. Saturn can strip away some of the outward trappings of success, forcing us to redefine our worth according to our own personal values and ideals.

If you are Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising this Full Moon occurs in your third house of communications, siblings, community and short distance travel. If you've experienced setbacks in these areas this could be the time for a new beginning and a new approach. The third house is a very busy place, pertaining to the comings and goings of daily life. Saturn here can restrict our movements, thoughts, social relations and communications, sometimes painfully. With Jupiter’s return to this area of your chart, things could now start to turn around as obstacles are removed. You could be seeing some favorable returns from a new social media campaign or improved relations with siblings, neighbours or friends. Saturn transit to your third house can sometimes be extremely difficult as it deconstructs your world and worldview. Jupiter’s return to this house signals a hopeful turnaround in this area of life.

If you are Scorpio or Scorpio Rising this Full Moon Falls in your fourth house of home, roots, family and property. This lunation could reflect the culmination of a change to your home and living environment such as the completion of renovations or a change of residence. For some, there could be a new addition to the family or even a death. This house contains some very deep foundational psycho-spiritual material as well. When Saturn traverses this part of the chart we may experience difficulty or loss in a vulnerable place. The lesson here is learning to build a safe, nourishing home within ourselves. Jupiter’s return can point to a blessing or breakthrough here.

If you are Libra or Libra Rising this Full Moon Falls in your fifth house of pleasure, creativity, children, romance and creativity. This year could be teaching Librans a new way of experiencing pleasure. You may have been forced to curtail a hobby, romance or habit that was once enjoyable; or, you may have experienced some distance or loss related to children or grandchildren. Saturn transiting this house will help you find activities and pursuits that are satisfying and sustainable in the long run but first he will challenge the status quo. Jupiter’s return to this part of your chart signals a creative breakthrough or new forms of pleasure coming to you now.

If you are a Virgo or Virgo Rising, Aquarius falls in your sixth house of illness, work routines and the daily grind. You may have experienced an increase of responsibility at work over the last several months or perhaps even an illness. Sometimes it is a spouse, parent or child that sickens, causing us to accept a heavy burden of care for our loved-one. The second Full Moon in Aquarius could coincide with some sort of achievement or milestone being attained. Perhaps you or a loved one have responded favourably to a medical treatment or, you are finally seeing the results of a new diet or fitness regime. Hard work in your daily life pays great dividends here and Jupiter’s return signals that you can now make significant strides in reaching your goals.

If you are a Leo or Leo Rising, this Full Moon is occurring in your seventh house of one-on-one partnerships. Saturn traversing this house can coincide with difficulties in marriage or intimate relationships. Sometimes it can reflect a spouse that is experiencing problems or a business relationship that becomes strained. The second Full Moon in Aquarius could signal a breakthrough or break-up in personal relationships. Either way, with Jupiter’s return to this part of your chart, changes will ultimately work out to your benefit. On a deeper level, Saturn is teaching you some hard lessons about the way you relate to others.

If you are Cancer or Cancer Rising, this lunation emphasizes your eighth house of joint finances and karmic obligation. This is a difficult placement that can bring up fears, financial loss or even death. Over the past eight months, Cancer may have been burdened with debts, taxes or obligations to others. With Jupiter’s return however, you may now benefit from a partner’s income, inheritance or a tax return. On a more psychological level, this can be a period of profound personal transformation. You may be facing some painful truths about yourself and your past. But your efforts will ultimately lead to a greater sense of freedom and security.

If you are a Gemini or Gemini Rising, 2021 has put a lot of focus on your ninth house of foreign travel, philosophy, religion and spirituality. Perhaps you have found a new teacher or you are going back to school. Perhaps you've had a change in your spiritual life or you have moved to a distant land. The second Full Moon in Aquarius could indicate the culmination or turning point in one of these areas. The ninth house is associated with anything that broadens the mind and the spirit. During this Saturn transit you may have gone through a period of inner conflict or challenge but now Jupiter is here to bless you with new vision and support.

If you are a Taurus or Taurus Rising, this year has been all about your career, reputation or standing in the world. The last eight months may have brought you added work responsibilities or challenges to your reputation. This Full Moon may coincide with some well-deserved recognition for your efforts - perhaps a promotion or new job offer. Jupiter’s return may offer a boost to your reputation or it could even signal a teacher coming into your life. For some, a favourable marriage is indicated.

If you are Aries or Aries Rising, this Full Moon is happening in your eleventh house of friends, social groups, hopes and dreams. You may have felt restrictions in your social life during the past several months or challenges to some of your previously held dreams. Some of you may have even lost a friend. As we approach this second Full Moon in Aquarius, perhaps a new dream is taking shape or some new friends are coming into your life. Jupiter’s return to this part of your chart can bless you with benefits from social groups, followers or benefactors. This house is known as the place where Jupiter finds his joy, redoubling the gifts he has to offer. Dream big Aries!

If you Pisces or Pisces Rising, this lunation is occurring in your twelfth house. This can be a difficult placement, as Saturn here can sometimes indicate loss and removal. There may be a tendency to self-sabotage or isolate oneself. Alternatively, you may be caring for someone who is ill or in hospital. It is an excellent time for Pisces to focus on self care, to cultivate a meditation practice, to concentrate on the psychological and physical foundations that support you. If you have been going through a difficult period, Jupiter’s return to this part of your chart indicates that your self care and psycho/spiritual work may begin to reward you.

Full Moon Blessings to all and many happy returns to my Virgo friends.

Peace my friends,


Categories: : Air Signs, Aquarius, archetypes, Aries, Artemis, Astrology, Best Astrologer, Birth Chart Readings, Cancer, Capricorn, Change, Comfort, Divination, Divine Order, Faith, Food, Gemini, Greek Gods, Greek Mythology, Hellenistic Astrology, Jupiter, King of the Gods, Kronos, Leo, Libra, Meaning and Purpose, Pisces, Sagittarius, Saturn, Scorpio, Selene, Sprituality, Sun, Uranus, Venus, Virgo, Wisdom, Zeus, Zodiac Signs

Full moon in Aquarius, 11th zodiac sign, associated with Saturn and Uranus, ruling over energies of the collective