What's Your Moon Sign? Exploring the Meaning of the Moon in Astrology

Most People Know Their Sun Sign, but your Moon Sign can be just as important. The Moon represents our deepest emotional nature.

Most people can tell you their Sun Sign even if they know nothing else about astrology. But according to ancient traditions, your Moon Sign can be just as important. Don’t be put off by the gendered language of this approach. The symbols and characteristics discussed below are descriptive not prescriptive; they refer to conditions and traits experienced by all humans regardless of sex or gender.

In Ancient astrology, the Moon is one of the most important features of the birth chart. It represents the environment or circumstances of your life, your internal emotional landscape, and in some cases your fortune. It can also represent your mother or primary caregiver of whatever gender. The Moon is considered yin, or feminine, as opposed to the Sun which is yang, and masculine. The Sun projects its light and energy outward, whereas the Moon’s glow is reflective, derived from the Sun. These two luminaries, form the backbone of ancient astrology and their symbolism is rich and complex. They are the King and Queen of the zodiac: the Sun rules the day, while the Moon is sovereign of the night. The Sun represents what is constant; the Moon reflects the changing circumstances of our lives.

According to the ancient doctrine of Sect, those with night charts (born between the hours of sunset and sunrise) are more likely to feel an affinity for their Moon sign than those born in the day. This helps explain why some people relate more easily than others to the traits and characteristics associated with their “sign.” Similarly, if the Moon holds a prominent place in your birth chart you may feel her influence more strongly. Those with the Moon in the first house, for example, are likely to be deeply affected by lunar phases and identify with lunar themes.

Just as the Sun behaves differently in each of the 12 zodiac signs, so does theMoon. She takes on the characteristics of each sign and each house placement. In general, the Moon is more comfortable in Earth and Water Signs, since these are also considered feminine (the exception being Scorpio where the moon is said to be in her Fall). She is the natural ruler of Cancer and she is exalted in the sign of Taurus. Her expression becomes somewhat drier in fire and air signs, though no less significant.

In modern astrology the Moon is associated with one’s default emotional responses as well as the way in which you give and receive nurturance. I have found this to be true. For example, the Moon in air signs may prefer to nurture and be nurtured through words, whereas a water sign may prefer more physical expressions of care. The Moon is Aries may react quickly to emotional stimuli while someone with the Moon in Taurus may take much longer to formulate a response. Of course, these are generalities. Her expression for each one of us will be coloured by sign, house, aspect and Sect. The influence of the Moon is far-reaching and mysterious. The more we reflect on her nature the more she can teach us about ourselves, our loved ones and our world.

Peace My friends,


Categories: : Air Signs, aphrodite, Aquarius, archetypes, Aries, Astrology, Best Astrologer, Birth Chart Readings, Cancer, Capricorn, Change, Conjunction, Divination, Divine Order, Gemini, Greek Gods, Greek Mythology, Hellenistic Astrology, Leo, Libra, Moon, Nova Scotia Astrologer, Pisces, Rising Sign, Scorpio, Zodiac Signs, Nurture, Food, Home and Family, Comfort, Tribe, Mother, Artemis, Selene

the moon, full moon, feminine diety, mother goddess,