Second Chance For a New Beginning

Here, at the New Moon, with six visible planets lining up in the sign of the Aquarius, we have an opportunity to lay foundations that will endure.

If you somehow missed the Great Conjunction of December 2020, the New Moon on February 11, 2021 offers a second chance for a new beginning in the area of your chart ruled by the Aquarius. If you know your Ascendant or Rising Sign, read that description first to learn which areas of life are most impacted by this propitious New Moon.

Since ancient times, the Moon has been conceptualized as the Divine Feminine: benevolent, nurturing and mysteriously powerful. In Ancient Astrology, she was an indicator of earthly fortune, deeply connected to the physical body, the circumstances of life and the environment. She was associated with memory, mothers and time - her phases reflecting the stages of a woman’s life: the waxing maiden, the full-bellied mother and the waning crone. The Moon acts as a kind of intermediary between the divine and human realms, activating the potentialities of the birth chart in her monthly journey through the zodiac. We feel her pull as a- visceral force, a constant reminder of the cycles of birth, growth, death and decay.

Here, at the New Moon, with six of the seven traditional visible planets lining up in the sign of the Aquarius, we have an opportunity to sow seeds and plant intentions that will have long-lasting beneficial results. Saturn in his own domicile is ready to assist with long-term commitments; Mercury retrograde allows us to bring in lessons learned from the past; the Sun supports our soul's divine purpose; and Jupiter and Venus, the two benefic planets, offer a multitude of blessings. I hope you will find these horoscopes helpful and in time, reap the fruits of this Maiden Moon.

Aries Rising this is happening in your 11th House of friendships, social groups, hopes and dreams. If you have a long-held dream that you would finally like to realize, now is the time to start in some small way. This lunation could also indicate the beginning of a new friendship or participation in a new social group that will be of long-term benefit to you.

Taurus Rising - this New Moon is occurring in your 10th House of career, reputation and public position in the world. This could introduce a new beginning in career matters; it’s a great time to start a new job or receive a promotion. It can sometimes indicate a new teacher entering your life or even signify marriage (as a public recognition of a personal commitment).

Gemini Rising - this is happening in your 9th House of higher learning, long distance travel and spirituality. If you've been considering a new course of study or travel to foreign places this is a potent moment to set your intentions. In Covid times, it could also mean someone foreign coming into your life or a new spiritual/philosophical interest.

Cancer Rising - this New Moon occurs in your 8th House of joint finances and intimacy. It’s an excellent time to apply for a loan or mortgage. It could also signal the arrival of an inheritance or intensification of an intimate relationship. Psychotherapy or counselling is favoured for Cancer Rising.

Leo Rising - this lunation occurs in your 7th House of relationships. You may meet someone very significant at this time or enter into a business partnership that will be profitable and enduring. This could also suggest that your life partner is starting something new that will have a major impact on your life.

Virgo Rising - for Virgo, this falls in the 6th house of health, daily chores and service to others. It is an ideal time to begin a new health regime or improve your approach to daily work routines. Efforts made in these areas have staying power, yielding rich results in time. You may also benefit from volunteer activities.

Libra Rising - this New Moon occurs in your 5th House of pleasure. It's is a wonderful time to start a new creative project, hobby or romance. The birth of children or grand-children is also indicated here. If your life has become too heavy or serious lately, this is an ideal time to consider new ways of bringing joy back into your life.

Scorpio Rising - this lunation falls in your 4th House of home and family. It's an excellent time to buy, sell or renovate your home. Children and/or partners may enter or leave the home during this period. On a deeper level, this can be about building a home inside yourself, ensuring a strong foundation upon which to construct your future plans and projects.

Sagittarius Rising - the New Moon occurs in your 3rd House of siblings, short distance travel, communications and community. It's an auspicious time to launch a new website or move to an online platform for business purposes. You could also become more involved with siblings, neighbours or your community. It could signify a new form of transportation.

Capricorn Rising - this New Moon occurs in your 2nd house of personal finances and resources. It promises new avenues for earning money, such as a new job or business venture. Efforts to build self-esteem are supported. You may begin to recognize and nurture new talents and abilities.

Aquarius Rising - this is happening in your 1st house of identity, offering a new beginning in terms of your Self and self-image. You may be moved to change the way you present yourself to others; or, more importantly, it may alter the way you view yourself. You may experience an awakening in your very core.

Pisces Rising - this lunation occurs in your 12th house. It is an excellent time to begin or deepen a spiritual practice such as meditation or prayer. It is also a good time for releasing old habits that are hindering your progress. Time spent in solitude and quiet contemplation can provide healing and foster spiritual growth so that you are ready for the next New Moon occurring in your 1st house.

Peace my friends,


Categories: : 20 Year Cycle, Air Signs, Aquarius, Aries, Astrology, Best Astrologer, Birth Chart Readings, Cancer, Capricorn, Change, Divination, Gemini, Greek Gods, Greek Mythology, Hellenistic Astrology, Jupiter, Leo, Libra, Meaning and Purpose, Moon, Mythology, New Era, Nova Scotia Astrologer, Planets, Rising Sign, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Spirituality, Stars, Sun, Taurus, Virgo, Zodiac Signs

New Moon in aquarius, sliver of silver Moon