Who's My Time Lord? Working With Annual Profections

An Ancient Timing Technique

Course Summary

This intermediate level course is designed for serious students of astrology to help you hone in on which transits, houses and planets will be most significant in a particular year. Whether you are deepening your own practice or reading for others, this course will teach you an ancient technique for weighing transits and predicting which topics and themes will need attention in the coming year.

Course Curriculum

Lizanne Hanks

Lizanne is a professional astrologer, trainer, writer and coach. With an academic background in women's spirituality, teaching and world religions, Lizanne brings a uniqely spiritual approach to her astrological practice. She aims to make astrology accessible, practical and fun so that you can harness this incredible tool for self-knowledge, timing and empowerment.

Ida May Frishke


" "I’m a novice so (this) gives me a place to learn astrology in a safe space with a CANADIAN ❤️ legitimate astrologer." 

Who's My time Lord? Working with Annual Profection

$37 CAD

  • An Ancient Timing Technique

    • Learn which planet is your Time Lord for the upcoming year
    • Which House is being profected
    • Which topics and themes are being highlighted
    • Subsidiary houses that may add significations
    • How to synthesize all of these items into a sketch of the coming year
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