Riding the Jupiter-Neptune Wave

Transits come in waves: rising, cresting, falling. Sometimes the waves are small and fleeting; sometimes they hit like a tsunami.

Transits come in waves: rising, cresting, falling in a continuous and endless procession. Sometimes the waves are small and fleeting, like a passing mood, sometimes they push us in a new direction, and sometimes they hit like a tsunami. When a faster moving planet forms an aspect to another planet or point, we may feel the effects for hours or days. But when the outer planets connect to our charts, the effects can be profound and long lasting. In April 2022, we will all experience a once-in-a-lifetime surge as Jupiter meets Neptune in the sign of the Fishes. There are fantastical watery worlds to explore here, worlds of oceanic wonder and buried treasure but there are dangers too: white whales, pirates, mermaids and sea monsters. The trouble with this combination will be discernment: as with any sea voyage, the song of the Sirens is notoriously beguiling and hard to resist. So let’s break it down.

Faith, growth, altruism and ecstasy are all on offer when the King of the Gods meets the Lord of the Sea. Jupiter, the Great Benefic, has many gifts to bestow including: optimism, confidence and prosperity. His energy is expansive and fecund, especially in Pisces. But there is a tendency to overshoot with Jupiter transits, to inflate expectations, to aggrandize and exaggerate. Self-righteousness and hypocrisy are Jupiterian traits we astrologers often overlook.

Neptune’s energy, on the other hand, is like the sea itself - changeable and unfathomable. Empathy, creativity, and healing are Neptunian words; as are delusion, dissolution and intoxication. Together, these two giants have the power to transform our inner lives and our world in some meaningful way. Grand visions, mystical transmutation, bountiful karmic harvests, and great humanitarian efforts are all achievable with this planetary alignment. But the flip side is trulytreacherous, like navigating through thick fog: confusion, propaganda, delusional thinking, and escapism. Globally, we have seen both sides of this transit in the past few weeks. And you’ve probably been feeling it in your personal life too.

In many ways, Pisces energy mirrors that of Neptune (which is why modern astrologers assigned Neptune rulership of Pisces). But we can tease out more meanings from the ancient dignity and rulership schemes. Traditionally, each of the planets rules two signs: one masculine and one feminine. Pisces is the feminine, water temple of Jupiter. As such, it calls forth the softer side of the King. In Sagittarius (Jupiter’s masculine domicile), he is bold and swashbuckling; in Pisces, he is receptive, dreamy and idealistic. Hope becomes faith, magnanimity becomes compassion and Jupiter’s love of adventure easily turns inward, towards transcendence.

Pisces is the place where Venus is exalted and Mercury is in his Fall. The Venusian themes of love, art, sensuality, harmony are enhanced by the mystery and magic of Pisces. Whereas, logic, dissection, sequential ordering, and clear communication are challenged. This is a place for poets and visionaries, not bean counters and bookkeepers.

Conjunctions are always about death and rebirth, the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one. As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces is the place of dissolution, where we surrender ambition, drive, individuality, striving, and ego for the experience of divine oneness. This month delivers a rare opportunity to release something significant, something that may have plagued you for years: a destructive habit, a toxic relationship, a limiting self concept, even trauma. The compassionate healing waters of Pisces can dissolve anything. Wherever this conjunction lands in your chart, you can call forth growth, recovery and change. But there is a cost: something must be removed.

If this wave has you feeling overwhelmed and seasick, if you are lost in confusion and fear, it’s okay to take a moment and simply breathe. Chances are, you are clinging to some dead weight from the past, resisting the tide. Let it go before it sinks you. You don’t need to fight it. You don’t even need to swim. The sea is buoyant, just lean back and float.

Peace my friends,


Categories: : Pisces, Neptune, fiath, hope, dreams, inspiration

large wave cresting, blue ocean