Lilith Unleashed

In modern feminist thinking, Lilith represents raw female power. She is feral. She is the return of the repressed, the scream of women's rage.

More and more, I think of the Moon as the key to everything. She represents mother, nurture and care. She speaks to our deepest feelings, our basic responses, our primal needs. In the most general sense, Moon signifies women, children and the eternal cycle of birth, growth, decay, death and rebirth.

Cancer is the Moon’s abode, the dark watery temple where she goes for comfort and belonging. It is a very protective sign, like the primordial womb where we plant our seeds and tenderly house them in a safe, dark container. However, if we become too addicted to safety and security, our seeds can wither and die there.

New Moons are seeding moments, when something new is conceived. It is fitting that this New Moon in Cancer comes on the heels of a significant loss/violation for women and children. It is also interesting (as one of my astute clients pointed out!) that Lilith is prominent at this particular birthing moment. Lilith, is like the Moon’s shadow.

In patriarchal traditions she is a demon associated with abortion, miscarriage and infant mortality, cursed for refusing to submit to male authority. But in modern feminist thinking, she represents raw female power. She is feral. She is the return of the repressed, the scream of our violated sexuality. She is RAGE.

Her presence at this New Moon, speaks to the repressed/oppressed Feminine emerging from her womb/tomb. Growth cannot continue in that dark, small interior. Eventually we need light, air and struggle to survive and thrive. In stripping women of their rights, the politicians, clerics and law-makers have no idea what kind of force they have unleashed.

Happy New Moon my friends,



Categories: : archetypes, Aries, Astrology, Beauty, Best Astrologer, birth chart, birth death and regeneration, Cancer, Capricorn, Divine Order, Horoscopes, jealousy, Libra, Mythology, Nova Scotia Astrologer, Psychology, Rebellion and Revolt, Scorpio, Sex, Sprituality, Venus, Virgo, Lilith, Jewish Mythology, Rage, Wild, Raw Feminine Power, repressed

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