Chasing Stars: Opposites Attract

Free Horoscopes all twelve signs Venus and Mars Conjunction

Image by Jacques Louis David

I arose before dawn the other morning, hoping to catch a glimpse of Venus, Mars and Mercury rising on the eastern horizon. The setting Moon was full and glorious, lighting up the frozen landscape with a pure silver glow. It was a frosty -23° outside, but Shiva and I were undeterred.

I’m not sure the tiny glint I saw was actually Mercury, and Mars appeared distant and dim. But Venus….. Venus was a marvel, so luminous and large that at first, I didn’t know what I was seeing. She looked like those pictures of the Star of Bethlehem: four-pointed, dazzling and unbelievably beautiful.

Astrologically speaking, Venus and Mars are having a moment. Well actually, they’re having much more than a moment. They are engaged in a rather epic game of cat and mouse. It began in February with Mars in hot pursuit. Poor Venus was

debilitated, moving sluggishly. Mars caught up with her around Valentine's Day. He easily overtook her but stayed within touching distance. Venus normally moves much more quickly than Mars. But due to her recent retrograde, Venus is struggling. For the next month these two ancient lovers will continue to travel very close together, remaining in the same sign until early April as Venus continues to recover strength and speed.

So what does it mean? The most obvious interpretation is passion. Venus-Mars contacts can translate into steamy sex, explosive creativity or tricky interactions related to gender and/or sex. Traditionally, the conjunction of these two is associated with scandal; in Greek mythology Aphrodite and Ares were illicit lovers, after all.

Their union can coincide with affairs, adultery, and secret trysts. Or, it can reflect the reconciliation of opposing forces. The back and forth we see here, between two celestial bodies, suggests that there is a protracted negotiation in progress. Overall, this is a very creative and productive transit but there may be some challenges to overcome and some differences to work through along the way. Watch for an intensification of these themes in early March as the two lovers form a triple conjunction with dark lord Pluto at 27 degrees of Capricorn, before moving into Aquarius and their second exact conjunction on Mar 6. Tensions or conflicts should resolve slowly after this point with Venus overtaking the God of War as she regains speed.

What follows is a short horoscope for all twelve signs. If you know your rising sign, read that entry first. For additional information look to the houses ruled by Mars and Venus in your natal chart.

Aries Rising - this conjunction is occurring in your th house of career, reputation and public performance. It could indicate tension with respect to sexual politics at the workplace or even a sexual relationship at work. It may also coincide with a period of particularly creative developments in the public sphere. Look for things to intensify around the beginning of March when Venus and Mars pass through the conjunction with Pluto. Beware of scandals in the workplace if you are involved in something illicit or untoward.

Taurus Rising - this transit is occurring in your ninth house of higher education, spirituality, philosophy and travel. For some of you, this could indicate a passionate new interest in philosophy or spirituality. For others, this transit could correspond to a sexual relationship with someone fromanother country or another culture. Look for the drama to intensify in early March as Venus Mars and Pluto approach a triple conjunction.

Gemini Rising - this transit occurs in your eighth house of mortality, joint finances, intimacy and karmic obligation. The back and forth dance between Venus and mars here could stir up fears and deep feelings in your most intimate relationships. It is also possible that you are becoming more involved in occult matters, possibly pursuing studies in tarot, magic or the paranormal. Taxes, inheritances, debts or custody battles could also be in the cards during this transit. Watch for and intensification of these themes in early March.

Cancer Rising - this transit occurs in your seventh house of marriage and partnership. The most obvious correlation here is to marriage, divorce or negotiations in your most significant relationship. You may decide to move in with your partner, or you may be working out the details of a business partnership. There may be differences or difficulties to work through but chances are, both parties are passionately committed to this union. Challenges or excitement may increase in early March as the lovers pass through their conjunction with Pluto. This could be a difficult time but relationships that survive will be stronger and better as a result.

Leo Rising - this conjunction occurs in your sixth house of health and work. Perhaps you are passionate about a new health regime or you are experiencing a workplace romance. The sixth house has a lot to do with daily grind and a Mars-Venus conjunction here can spice up your daily routine significantly. As with Aries, it is important to avoid workplace scandal and remain scrupulous with respect to gender and sexual politics at work, especially in early March when Plutogets in on the action.

Virgo Rising - the Venus-Mars conjunction is occurring in your fifth house of pleasure and children. This could indicate significant developments around romance, a creative project or children. Traditionally, this place was known as the joy of Venus and it is likely that Virgo rising individuals will experience a healthy dose of sensual, Venusian pleasure during this period of time. Look for any tensions to intensify around early March as Venus and Mars conjoin Pluto.

Libra Rising - this transit occurs in your fourth house of home and family. It could indicate some creative developments in your personal life or a negotiation around the living space. Someone could be moving in or leaving the nest. For some, this can indicate something involving parents, property or ancestry. Perhaps there is an intensification of relations in the family or home, with challenges or revelations likely occurring at the beginning of March.

Scorpio Rising - this transit occurs in your third house. A Venus-Mars conjunction here could add creative flair to your communications and daily interactions. It could also indicate new developments in your community, neighbourhood or with siblings and close friends. Writing, speaking, web communications all receive a creative boost but there may be tensions to navigate or challenges to overcome especially towards the beginning of March when the lovers meet Pluto in late Capricorn.

Sagittarius Rising - this transit occurs in your second house of resources and personal finances. You may be developing creative talents or repurposing them in new ways. As you redefine your personal values, hidden resources come to light. You could be thinking of new ways to make money or collaborating with others to boost your talents and money-making potential. Watch out for extra expenses in early March.

Capricorn Rising - this transit is occurring in your first house of Self. You have been through a very intense season and the Venus-Mars conjunction in your first house continues this trend. You may be finding or experimenting with new ways of expressing yourself emotionally and/or physically. This conjunction can boost your self-expression and motivate you to live more passionately. Watch for some challenge or pushback in early March.

Aquarius Rising - this is happening in your 12th house of isolation and retreat. A Venus-Mars conjunction here could indicate developments in a secret or private relationship. Alternatively, you could be experiencing a fertile period of spiritual growth through the reconciliation of psychic dualities. This house is associated with hidden things and self-undoing so watch for negative habits or dynamics to emerge, especially in early March when Pluto joins the party.

Pisces Rising - this transit occurs in your 11th house of friends, allies and social groups. It could indicate an erotic encounter with someone from a friend group or a creative venture in one of your social groups. This part of the chart is also associated with hopes and dreams so it is possible that an erotic or creative passion moves you closer to a cherished dream but watch for problems to arise or strengthen in early March.

I hope you have enjoyed these horoscopes. Remember, theseare general outlines only. For a detailed understanding of how any particular transit affects you, a full birth chart reading is recommended. If you would like to learn the basics of chart reading, I will be offering a four part course very soon. Please contact me for details. Have a great month everyone and Happy Birthday Pisces.

Peace my friends,


Categories: : Astrology, Greek Mythology, Mars, Nova Scotia Astrologer, Sex, Spirituality, Venus, Lovers, Relationships, Lizanne Hanks, opposites, sun and stars

Venus Disarming Mars, oil painting by Jacques-Louis David.