2021: Fasten Your Seat Belts. It’s Going to Be a Bumpy Ride *

The signature transit of 2021 will be the Saturn-Uranus square. here's what to watch for as traditional Saturn meets change-agent Uranus.

The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction that perfected on Winter Solstice 2020 marked the beginning of a brand new era. Astrologers, New Age philosophers and the Covid-weary public have latched on to this rare astronomical pairing like manna from heaven. And with good reason, this transit lifts our gaze from Earth to Air. It shifts the focus from material concerns to more humanitarian ones. However, the year 2021 is unlikely to usher in the Kingdom of Heaven just yet. There is another major player this year: Uranus, the great disrupter.

The signature transit of 2021 will be the Saturn-Uranus square. Saturn is associated with discipline, structure and authority. Uranus represents freedom, rebellion and sudden change. Saturn looks to the past - Uranus, to the future. Saturn is conservative and sober; Uranus is progressive and zealous. When these two opposites collide, conflict is inevitable. 2021 is likely to be a tumultuous year, marked by an increase in social unrest: demonstrations, protests, authoritarian reprisals and backlash.

Change can be beautiful. It can signal growth, progress, maturity and integration. But these things are often the end result of a process that is anything but pretty. Change, when we’re in the thick of it, is often messy, painful and ugly. Think of puberty. It’s a period of exponential growth and change, accompanied by mood swings, uncontrollable urges and pimples. It’s a time for experimentation and expansion, a time when we come into our own, developing tastes, opinions, habits, hobbies, and friends, some of which will last a lifetime.

Like puberty, 2021 will be a time of rebellion, a time when cultural, racial, sexual and generational differences will be highlighted. Uranus, the revolutionary is sure to test our limits this year. And Saturn, representing the old guard, will meet this challenge from a position of strength. Still, I am cautiously optimistic that some positive change may be enacted this year. After all, Saturn is in a forward-looking, anti-conformist sign. And Uranus in earthy Taurus must consider the practicalities of life, like food on the table and a roof overhead. Saturn in Aquarius knows what it is to be an outsider and I pray that this will soften his heart to those who are knocking at his door.

Perhaps most fortuitously, we will have Jupiter hanging around Aquarius for a good part of 2021, working for harmony and peaceful solutions, encouraging the higher, loftier ideals of Aquarius. When I look back on my own teen years I am filled with a mix of wonder and embarrassment. In some ways I was at my very best - fearless, idealistic, crusading, and progressive. But in other ways I was the worst: judgemental, zealous, self-righteous, and too often careless of the feelings of others. I hope we can all approach 2021 with our best selves forward and our worst selves firmly in check. What’s needed is a delicate balance of courage and compassion.

Many blessings in 2021 my friends. Happy New Year.

*taken from All About Eve, written by J. Mankiewicz

Categories: : Astrology, Change, Divination, Greek Mythology, Hellenistic Astrology, Meaning and Purpose, Orthodoxy, Rebellion and Revolt, Saturn, Spirituality, Transformation, Uranus

Uranus, planet of change, disruption, liberation and awakenings